Solar PV Roof Fire Protection
M&E Engineers has designed and engineered hundreds of Fire Detection and Alarm projects for Verizon and other clients. More importantly, we have designed Fire Detection and Suppression projects in mission-critical facilities, and are experienced with design and commissioning of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems. PV system fires have damaged or destroyed buildings in New Jersey and elsewhere. There are inherent difficulties and dangers of fighting a PV fire, and this facility warrants the highest degree of protection. Developing a reliable method of detecting and mitigating the threat of the PV arrays to the roof is not rocket science, but this project is the first of its kind. This required a very high level of due diligence to ensure the detection system would provide adequate protection, without false alarms. The design includes Linear Heat Detection, IR Flame Detection, Remote Emergency Power Off, Enhanced Remote Emergency Power Off, Closed Circuit Television Monitoring, emergency rooftop egress lighting, and fire alarm notification.