The Menlo Park Veterans Home is a modern skilled nursing home consisting of 312 beds, with a town square core with services and resident living areas arrayed around it and support areas for staff. The purpose of this project was to provide the results of an ASHRAE Level 2 Energy Audit, which evaluated the energy consumption of the building utilizing energy modeling & benchmarking and identified opportunities for cost-effective energy conservation measures.
Based on the results of the energy audit, several Combined Cooling, Heat and Power Systems (CCHP) were also evaluated to determine additional potential savings should a system be implemented.
Lastly the site was evaluated for potential Solar Photovoltaic (PV) systems to generate electricity to supply the facility with renewable energy.
The goal of the analysis was to provide clear and accurate information to form the basis for an Energy Saving Improvement (ESIP) project and be useful to Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) who would be proposing on the project.